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Escrito 17 September 2002 - 10:37 PM

el que le toque petarlo maricon

#506 LeonR16



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Escrito 17 September 2002 - 10:37 PM

como tengo configurado mi mugen:
; Definitions of system screens

; To customize, make a copy of this file in a subdirectory of your
; motif's name. See readme.txt for details on motifs.

; *2001.04.01 NEW* symbolizes any new parameters added for the 2001.04.01
; version of M.U.G.E.N.
; *2001.04.14 NEW* symbolizes any new parameters added for the 2001.04.14
; version of M.U.G.E.N.

; Notes about fonts:
; - do not index fonts greater than 9 (crash)
; - fonts indexed here do not refer to the ones in fight.def

;Whole group is *2001.04.01 NEW*
author=ElRoSSo;Motif author name

;Directories are checked in this order:
;1. current directory system.def is in
;2. data/
;3. your MUGEN directory
;eg. If you write "spr=system.sff", and this system.def file
; is in ~/mugen/data/mymotif/, then Mugen will first look
; for ~/mugen/data/mymotif/system.sff. If it does not find
; it there, it looks for ~/mugen/data/system.sff (the default).
; Finally, if that is not found, it will look for
; ~/mugen/system.sff.

spr=system.sff;Filename of sprite data
snd=system.snd;Filename of sound data
logo.storyboard=;Logo storyboard definition (optional) *2001.04.01 NEW*
intro.storyboard=Intro.def;Intro storyboard definition (optional) *2001.04.01 NEW*
select=select.def;Character and stage selection list
fight=fight.def;Fight definition filename
font1=font/f-4x6.fnt;System fonts
font2=font/f-6x9.fnt;System fonts
font3=font/jg.fnt;System fonts

;Put a filename for a MOD, MP3 or MIDI here, or just leave it
;blank if you do not want music. If an invalid filename is
;given, then no music will play. To play CD audio, put
;the track number followed by ".da". For example, to play
;track 3 from a music CD at the title screen, use:
; title.bgm=3.da
;To play mymusic.mp3 from the sound/ directory, put:
; title.bgm=sound/mymusic.mp3
;Music to play at title screen.
title.bgm.loop=1;Set to 0 to prevent looping *2001.04.01 NEW*
;Music to play at char select screen.
select.bgm.loop=0;*2001.04.01 NEW*
;Music to play at versus screen.
vs.bgm.loop=1;*2001.04.01 NEW*

;Title screen definition
;All but last 3 parameters are *2001.04.14 NEW*
[Title Info]
menu.item.spacing=0, 13
; Names for each of the items in the menu. Names must be in quotes.
menu.itemname.versus=MODO VS
menu.itemname.teamarcade=ARCADE POR EQUIPOS
menu.itemname.teamversus=EQUIPOS VS
menu.itemname.teamcoop=TEAM CO-OP
; These parameters define the window in which the items are visible
; in.
menu.window.margins.y=12, 8
menu.boxcursor.visible=1;Set to 0 to disable default cursor display
; These are the sounds for cursor movement

;Title background definition

[TitleBG 0]
spriteno=5, 1
start=0, 145
width=400, 1200

[TitleBG 1]
spriteno=5, 2
start=-160, 145

[TitleBG 2]
start=0, 10

[TitleBG 3]
start=0, 40

;Character select definition
[Select Info]
wrapping=0;1 to let cursor wrap around
pos=90,170;Position to draw to
showemptyboxes=0;1 to show empty boxes
moveoveremptyboxes=0;1 to allow cursor to move over empty boxes
cell.size=27,27;x,y size of each cell (in pixels)
cell.spacing=2;Space between each cell,0;Note: Don't use animation for cells
cell.random.spr=151,0;Icon for random select (don't use animation)
cell.random.switchtime=4;Time to wait before changing to another random portrait
p1.random.move.snd=100,0;*2001.04.01 NEW*
p2.cursor.blink=1;1 to blink p2's cursor if overlapping p1's
p2.random.move.snd=100,0;*2001.04.01 NEW*
random.move.snd.cancel=0;*2001.04.01 NEW* 1 to have random move sound cancel itself when played repeatedly
stage.move.snd=100,0;*2001.04.01 NEW*
stage.done.snd=100,1;*2001.04.01 NEW*
title.offset=160,20;Position of title (Arcade Mode, etc)
title.font=3,0,0;Font of title (-1 for none)
;Big portraits
p1.face.offset=27,34;Position to put big portrait
p1.face.facing=1;*2001.04.01 NEW*
p2.face.facing=-1;*2001.04.01 NEW*
;Name,149;Position to put name,4,1;Set to -1 for no display,149,1,-1
;Stage select
stage.active2.font=3,2;Second font color for blinking
;Team menu *2001.04.01 NEW* for below
p1.teammenu.pos=20, 30
p1.teammenu.selftitle.font=3,0, 1
p1.teammenu.selftitle.text=Select team mode
p1.teammenu.enemytitle.font=3,0, 1
p1.teammenu.enemytitle.text=Opponent team mode
p1.teammenu.item.font=3,0, 1,3, 1
p1.teammenu.item.active2.font=3,0, 1;Second font color for blinking
p1.teammenu.item.cursor.offset=-10, 0
;p2 team
p2.teammenu.pos=299, 30
p2.teammenu.selftitle.font=3,0, -1
p2.teammenu.selftitle.text=Select team mode
p2.teammenu.enemytitle.font=3,0, -1
p2.teammenu.enemytitle.text=Opponent team mode
p2.teammenu.item.font=3,0, -1,1, -1
p2.teammenu.item.active2.font=3,0, -1;Second font color for blinking
p2.teammenu.item.cursor.offset=10, 0

;Character select screen background
;spr=graphics/selectbg.sff ;Filename of sprite data

[SelectBG 0] ;Scrolling background
velocity=-1, -1

[SelectBG 1] ;Dark box
start=0, 166
window=85,0, 235,239
velocity=-1, 0

[SelectBG 2.A] ;Title background
start=0, 2
velocity=-1, 0

[SelectBG 2.B] ;Title background B
start=0, 2
velocity=-3, 0

[SelectBG 2.C] ;Title background C
start=0, 2
velocity=-6, 0

[VS Screen]
time=150;Time to show screen
;Big portraits
p1.facing=1;*2001.04.01 NEW*
p1.scale=1,1;*2001.04.01 NEW*
p2.facing=-1;*2001.04.01 NEW*
p2.scale=1,1;*2001.04.01 NEW*

;VS Match up screen background

[VersusBG 1]

[VersusBG 2] ;VS Screen
window=19,30, 140,171
velocity=-2, 0

[VersusBG 3] ;VS Screen
window=179,30, 300,171
velocity=2, 0

[VersusBG 4] ;VS Logo
layerno=1 ; Front

[Begin Action 200]
200,4, 0,0, 1
200,3, 0,0, 2
200,2, 0,0, 3
200,1, 0,0, 4
200,0, 0,0, 8
200,5, 0,0, 3
200,6, 0,0, 3
200,7, 0,0, 3
200,8, 0,0, 3
200,0, 0,0, -1

;Demo mode definition
;Whole group is *2001.04.01 NEW*
[Demo Mode]
enabled=1;Set to 1 to enable demo mode, 0 to disable
select.enabled=0;Set to 1 to display select screen, 0 to disable
vsscreen.enabled=0;Set to 1 to display versus screen, 0 to disable
title.waittime=600;Time to wait at title before starting demo mode
fight.endtime=1500;Time to display the fight before returning to title
fight.playbgm=0;Set to 1 to enable in-fight BGM, 0 to disable
fight.bars.display=0;Set to 1 to display lifebar, 0 to disable
intro.waitcycles=1;Cycles to wait before intro cutscene is played again
debuginfo=0;Set to 0 to hide debugging info (debug mode only)

;Continue screen definition
;Whole group is *2001.04.01 NEW*
[Continue Screen]
enabled=1;Set to 1 to show continue screen, 0 to disable

;Game over screen definition
;Whole group is *2001.04.01 NEW*
[Game Over Screen]
enabled=0;Set to 1 to show game over screen, 0 to disable
storyboard=;Game over storyboard filename

;Win screen definition
;This is the screen that is shown when you win in arcade mode.
;It will not be displayed if the winning character has an ending.
[Win Screen]
enabled=1;Set to 1 to show win screen, 0 to disable *2001.04.01 NEW*
wintext.text=Enhorabuena! Eres el caballero más poderoso del mundo... o tal vez no?

;Game ending screen definition
;This screen shows up after the Win Screen.
;It will not be displayed if the winning character has an ending.
;Whole group is *2001.04.01 NEW*
[Default Ending]
enabled=0;Set to 1 to show credits, 0 to disable
storyboard=;Default ending storyboard filename

;Ending credits screen definition
;This screen shows up after the Win Screen and Ending
;Whole group is *2001.04.01 NEW*
[End Credits]
enabled=0;Set to 1 to show credits, 0 to disable
storyboard=;Credits storyboard filename

;Options screen definition
[Option Info]

;Options screen background

[OptionBG 1]
velocity=-1, -1

#507 AKira



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Escrito 17 September 2002 - 10:37 PM

Note: I don't document every little (or not so little change), just what I remember to document.

o = bug fix
+ = addition
x = change


Not much new. Just wanted to put out a new version to inaugurate the new server :)

o Possibly fixed the errant got reply sound problem.
o If you have a free floating (non-MDI) editor window, it doesn't warn when you shut down Xnews without saving.

x X-Face is now integrated into the exe. No need for compface.dll. Thank you, Matthijs.
x Took out the yEnc info banner. I think everyone knows what it is by now :). Also, added total= to yEnc header, in compliance with yEnc 1.3.


o Emergency release to fix problem decoding Agent 1.9+ yEnc posts.
o Erroneously ignored MIME content-disposition: attachment when it's plain text.
o There's a strange bug that causes Xnews to sometimes merge different files together or split a file to file_0 file_1, etc. Not sure if this fixes it but we'll see.
o In setup dialog, setting some values to zero have no effect.
o Occasionally, non-quoted text isn't displayed when hide quoted text is turned on.

+ You can now use regex in the newsgroup filter.
+ New commands: acmNextWindow, acmPrevWindow. They basically just expose the standard MDI go to next/prev window commands so you can assign shortcut keys to them instead of the standard Ctrl+Shift+F6 / Ctrl+F6. Except: that acmPrevWindow will return you to the newsgroup list when you're inside a newsgroup and the folders list (if opened) when you're inside a folder.
+ Xnews.ini [Compose] setting: UseyEnc={0,1} does what you expect. Default is 0.

x Now when I detect a CRC error in one multipart and have exhausted all the altservs but the part is still corrupted, instead of skipping the rest of the file, I go ahead decode the rest since the file may still be usable or salvageable by other means.

x Per request, I now use the editor's font for the Subject field in compose window. This supposedly helps out the non-English folks. A bit.


There were LOTS of changes between this and last version. For everyone's sanity, this is a truncated changelog.

o I might have found the a.v. while decoding bug that pops up from time to time.

o corrupted X-Face when header wraps with LF instead of CRLF.

o Duh, I can't count: MaxXpostKill=n was killing articles posted to >=n groups, not > n groups as advertised. So for ex if you set that to 1, it kills everything (provided there's a proper XRef header)! Now it works as stated. Note that the group you are currently reading IS counted, i.e., it's NOT "kill articles xposted to > n OTHER groups". I guess it depends on what your definition of "crossposting" is, but the definition I originally picked INCLUDES the group you're reading. For the sake of consistency, I won't change it now.

o Leave Outbox unsorted so binaries aren't posted in seemingly random order.

o While posting binaries, if you click Stop then Send again, Xnews may not re-send from the beginning of the file, causing a corrupted upload.

+ You can now have a free floating editor window or have it as a MDI window (a child window within the main Xnews window). See Setup | Compose | Use MDI editor window.
+ if you hover the mouse over the Lines column, it'll show size in bytes for the article or entire thread.

+ Support for yEnc!! a new binaries encoding scheme designed to save bandwidth by dramatically reducing the 30%+ overhead incurred by UU and Base64. For more info, see If you're feeling brave, post something in yEnc. You'll cause much consternation, but somebody's got to get the ball rolling.

+ New command: Reveal Thread (acvRevealThread). If you have a filter in place, this will show all articles belonging in the same thread with the current article -- without removing the filter.

+ New Xnews.ini [Display] setting: MoveHighlight {0,1} default is 1: whether to move the highlight to the first high score, new, or unread article after a header refresh. Even with MoveHighlight=1, I now only move the highlight to a high score or new article following a) a header refresh; B) first time opening a group; or c) rescoring. For the most part, I try to keep the cursor on the "current article," which is either a) the article you're reading if the focus is in the viewer or B) the article the cursor was previously on if the focus is in the article list.

+ You can customize the editor's toolbar. Add E1=_____ under [ToolBars]. By default





This keeps the same toolbar, but swaps the external edit button with reformat.

There's nothing magical about u5. You can call it anything you like, except bSomething to avoid possible conflict with Xnews' buttons. aceRewrap IS a proper command, a list of which you can find in keys.ini or the key mapping dialog. Recall that the format for a user button is


Set E1= and it's bye bye toolbar.

+ Useless junk nobody asked for: in servers.ini, under section for the server, add Icon=full-path-name-to-reasonably-sized-bmp-or-icon-to-eat-up-more-of-your-precious-system-resources. See this as example of what it looks like:

x I removed the AlwaysXNoArchive option. You can add X-no-archive like any custom header to groups.ini. My hope is that people don't set it by default, esp. in groups whose usefulness depends on posts being archived so people can search for faqs, etc.

x Changed options in the XOVER dialog:

* Clear read and retrieve headers: clear read in selected range and get headers.
* Retrieve but exclude read articles: get headers in selected range, skipping read articles.
* Retrieve and include read articles: same as above, but don't skip read articles.
* Clear read only: same as first, except don't get headers. (Maybe I should take this out,
when would you ever use this?)

x I changed OnLoaded slightly: if you included a ! in the list, the first execution will
do all commands up to the !, and subsequent executions will do the commands
following the !. I.e.,


The first execution will do commands a and b, and every time afterward c and d

x I made the bad wrap detector in the editor a bit more intelligent, so there should be fewer false positives.
x changed FixWrapOpt to -1 by default, which means you have to invoke the command manually each time. Why? it's bad principle to change the text by default, esp. since many users won't realize what's happening. You can set it to 1 in Xnews.ini [Display] if you like it the way it was.
x pagedown in the article viewer now scrolls the page minus one line at the bottom (for context).
x For cleaner code, I changed the way keybd shortcuts are handled internally. Should make no difference to you except: a) I prob'ly broke something; and B) switching MDI windows is noticeably faster (on my machine anyway).

Known bug, not fixed: if you create a new folder in the open dialog and change the name of the folder, you'll get an error msg saying 'new folder' is inaccessible. Don't know why. However, if you select the folder again, it'll be fine.


o Changing the expiration date in the Storage dialog (inside an articles window) doesn't stick.
o Formatted text pasted into the editor doesn't get converted to plain text.
o a.v. when reading corrupted articles with CRCR instead of CRLF.
o Listview background not correctly erased when columns are smaller than the listview's client area.
o There seems to be a bug in the Delphi library that causes the list of windows under the Windows menu to disappear and reappear intermittently, so now I just manage the menu myself.
o Numerous little bugs.

+ New groups.ini settings: PostTo, OverrideTo -- allow you to set the server you want to post to / override to, so you can automatically read / load headers from one server and post / download from another.

+ View | AutoSize. This is sort of half way between full and split screen. Basically, I adjust the size of the list / article viewer when it has focus to take up most of the screen. I kinda like it. YMMV. You can customize with: Xnews.ini [Display] AutoSizePctA / AutoSizePctB {0..100} -- set how much, in %, of the screen the list should take up when it does / does not have focus (assuming AutoSize is on). Defaults are 85 / 25, resp.

+ Headers displayed in order specified in Options | Display. This should make, like, 3 people happy.
+ In newsgroups, you can now search in the body of articles that have been downloaded.
+ You can now use an external editor. Go to Special | Setup | Compose to select an external editor. Click on the Ext Editor icon to open your editor. When done, save the file. Upon returning to the compose window, the modified file will be automatically loaded. Note: your external editor should of course save only in plain text, using CRLF as end of paragraph delimiter. It should not hard wrap with CRLF or soft wrap with CR or LF or some funky character; that is, a paragraph should be one long line terminated by CRLF. It should not do any extra processing like convert spaces to tabs, or strip blank spaces at end of line or text. Doing any of these things will void your Xnews warranty.

x Turned the editor window into a regular MDI window. You can now remap the various keyboard shortcuts in the editor window. Yippee!
x New-style open dialog on Win2000 and XP.


o In the "Add to score file" dialog, the "Existing section" combo box defaults to blank, messing up the score file.
o Forgot to hook the code to "Hide non binaries".


o If you reload the score file and there's an error in it, scoring is non functional until you restart Xnews. (Oops, how long has this bug been there?)
o Fixed bad handling of multiline responses from SMTP servers.

+ You can now save selected text in the article viewer (popup menu).
+ MIME encoded articles with text types other than text/plain are now turned into attachments, even if they're not encoded or only encoded with quoted-printable. This is mainly so you can -- on the occasions that warrant it -- save the html portion of multipart/alternative articles and read it with your web browser.

x "Hide non binaries" is back by popular demand.
x I now generate From: header with the new format real-name <email-addr>


o Possible fix for crossposted articles not mark read under certain circumstances.
o Fixed strange behavior in combo boxes in the Add to score file dialog.
o Updated x-face library to fix a potentially exploitable buffer overrun bug, thanks to Matthijs Laan. Be sure to extract compface.dll. You can delete the old X-Face.dll.

x "Make Xnews the default newsreader" will now add Xnews to the Programs list in MSIE's options dialog.
x Updated manual.html, thanks to Ralf Hasse.


o Fixed a couple of quoted-printable decoding bugs.
o Fixed (I hope, for the nth time), the "viewer scrolling up wildly" problem.
o Fixed ini settings from setup dialog not saved.
o Fixed that weird problem with double clicks in groups window "going through" the articles window.

x I've turned off uniform quoting by default because it causes certain problems.
x Changed the default quoteregex to ^\s?\s?\s?[>:|\]»] and the default quotechars to >:|]»
x Marking articles unread now also marks them unread on groups articles were cross posted to.
x When viewing an article, if you mark it read/delete and the article is already read/deleted, then the whole thread is marked read/deleted; otherwise, only the article is marked.
x Removed Newsgroups: header when replying by mail because OE will post to the newsgroups if it sees a Newsgroups header. So while user thinks s/he's only replying by mail, the message actually shows up in a public forum. This could cause some mild discomfort. Ditto Followup-To.

+ You can save an article in the viewer in rich text format by specifying a file name with .rtf or .doc extension.

Lots of changes since version 4.01.30, so read on. Also, can I get a volunteer to add all new stuff in 4.04.10 to the manual?


+ New command: acvFixWrap. Fix badly wrapped text in the message viewer. It takes something like this

> Help, Shaq's teammates have fallen and they can't get up. Cuban was so
> about the Lakers being an ankle sprain away from mediocrity; without
Shaq this
> team would flat out SUCK even with Kobe 100%. I posted a few days ago
> analysis of individual Lakers, but after watching the Knicks game it
> even clearer just how weak this team is after Shaq, Kobe, Grant, Fox,

and turns it into this

> Help, Shaq's teammates have fallen and they can't get up. Cuban was so
> right about the Lakers being an ankle sprain away from mediocrity;
> without Shaq this team would flat out SUCK even with Kobe 100%. I
> posted a few days ago my analysis of individual Lakers, but after
> watching the Knicks game it becomes even clearer just how weak this
> team is after Shaq, Kobe, Grant, Fox, Fisher and Shaw. While Shaq was

For a visual demo, see and You can turn it on/off on the fly. Be aware that even though this feature works most of the time, it sometimes wraps text it shouldn't since I'm just guessing by appearance. If you don't like this feature, you can turn it off. Set Xnews.ini [Display] FixWrapOpt to -1 = manual (you have to explicitly invoke the command each time); 0 = automatic but not enabled by default; 1 = automatic and enabled by default (default is 1).

+ New command View|Uniform Quoting, which converts

> =| >blah blah
> =| >blah blah


>>>> blah blah
>>>> blah blah

+ Added display of X-Face, thanks to Matthijs Laan http://www.geocities...zar_nl/winface/ Be sure to extract X-Face.dll from the zip file.
+ Added jpeg display (not streaming, but better than nothing, I guess). Put XFace=0 and/or Jpeg=0 to Xnews.ini [Display] if you want to turn either off.

+ You can now have group-based custom headers. Edit groups.ini and use the same format in Xnews.ini. Example:

; applies to alt groups
CustomHeader1=X-No-Bananas: yes
CustomHeader2=X-Junk: blah blah

Note: custom headers are inherited from Xnews.ini and previous matching sections in groups.ini, with the current headers overriding previous headers. For example, if you have this in Xnews.ini:

CustomHeader1=X-No-Bananas: no
CustomHeader2=X-Test: abc

Then when you post to an alt group, you'll have these headers

X-No-Bananas: yes
X-Test: abc
X-Junk: blah blah

Sometimes you want to clear out previously inherited headers (if any), in which case you need to add NewCustomHeaders=1 to the group's section. So if you have this


then somegroup will have no custom headers since you cleared out all existing headers and did not define any new ones.

+ You can now define duplicate custom headers (e.g., you can have several X-Face headers). When you compose your message, you can pick which of the duplicate headers to use.

+ Customizable toolbars. Yay. As usual, I make you edit the ini files.

% default toolbars



A1 is the top toolbar in the articles window, A2 the bottom one. (I'll get to the groups toolbar later; let's see how these work first).

It should be obvious what to do. Each button has a name; I'll let you figure out which is which. Each toolbar should be all on one line, of course, so if the above line wraps, unwrap it. Cut out the buttons you don't want, move them around, etc. The hyphen (-) is a button separator. Optionally, you can add a number after a hyphen to indicate how wide a space (in pixels) the separator should take up. This is useful for making often used or dangerous buttons stand out. Example




To get rid of the toolbars altogether. To restore the default toolbar, just comment out the line.

For extra fun, you can make your own buttons. Add a section


buttonname is whatever name you want to give it. Note: to avoid conflict with any button I may add in the future, DON'T name your button with a 'b' prefix. command is just any Xnews command, a list of which you can get from the keyboard setup dialog. iconfilename points to a .bmp or .ico file to be used for the button. Use full file name and path. hint is the popup help text for the button. Of the three, only hint is optional. Example:


What are u1, u2, and u3? They're your own buttons, of course, which you define below. (You'll probably want to give a more descriptive name than u1, u2, etc, but you get the idea.)

u1=acvQuoted|d:\delphi\q.ico|Toggle quoted text
u3=acaFindMissingPartsEx|D:\delphi\findparts.ico|Click me, you won't be sorry

Btw, if a button's associated command doesn't apply to the current window, the button will not show up on the toolbar.

+ A few people asked for this: multilevel quote coloring. Look at You can define 7 levels (0..6), after which it cycles. Use the Setup dialog. It looks good when it works, i.e., when posters wrap their quotes nicely, using standard quote chars. People like Xnews users, for ex.

+ Speaking of which: new Xnews.ini [Misc] setting: QuoteChars. Default is >#=|]» This is a list of characters you want Xnews to consider as quote characters (not everyone uses the standard > unfortunately). It works in conjunction with QuoteRegex, which determines whether a given line is a quote line. Yeah I know I'm not explaining it very well. I'm tired. Just leave it alone.

+ Customize the layout of the title bar (the one on top of the message viewer) with Xnews.ini [Display] TitleBarLayOut

-1 = hide title bar
0 = 2 rows (tool bar and title bar on separate rows) when there's an X-Face; 1 row otherwise. This is the default.
1 = same as 0, except that when in full screen, use 2 rows.
2 = use 2 rows at all times.

+ Many commands in Xnews are toggles (execute it once, it turns on; execute it again, it turns off, and versa vice). You often want to turn something on or off definitively and not just toggling it. So in OnLoaded and OnOpen, add a + or - after a command to turn it on or off regardless of what its current state is. Example:

OnLoaded = acvThreaded+ , acvExpandAll-

will turn on threading (if it isn't already) and collapse all threads after each time you refresh headers. (There should be no space between the +/- and the command.)

+ In the retrieve headers (aka XOVER) dialog, you can now set both start and end points.

Those of you who have access to servers with long retention time already know Xnews tends to choke on really HUGE groups. That's because I just throw everything into memory. Hey, I didn't plan at the beginning on dealing with humongous binaries groups with >100K headers. Obviously I need to have a database and/or better memory handling. But I'm lazy and prefer the duct tape approach to software engineering, so I give you.....

+ New articles window command: discard selected/all headers. This will throw out selected/all headers and free up memory. Obviously, if you see articles you're interested in, you should save them into a queue or archive folder first. These commands work in conjunction with an option in the aforementioned XOVER dialog that lets you limit how many headers to retrieve at a time. The idea is: rather than trying to load 100K headers and watch your Windows die a thousand deaths, you load, say, 20K headers at a time, save stuff you're interested in, then load the next 20K headers. You can also opt to have Xnews automatically discard the headers for you so you don't have to do a discard command each time. Note: it will not discard anything with >0 score or anything you have marked kept or queued, so you can keep articles from getting discarded by marking them with a high score or simply queuing them.

+ New Xnews.ini [XOVER] section with the following settings:


Automatically pop up the XOVER dialog when you enter a group that have more than that many headers (30000 is the default) so you have a chance to limit the number of headers to download. Set this to zero if you never want to be prompted.


This one takes a bit of explaining. When you read a group without catching up, the read counts become "fragmented" (this also happens due to marking cross posted articles read). Say you have a group with ten articles:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
o o X X X o X o X o

The Xs represent read articles, the Os represent unread ones. The next time you open the group, Xnews has to load headers for 1-2, 6, 8, 10. That's 4 separate XOVER (retrieve headers) commands. Unless you're on a slow modem link, it's often faster to just issue a single XOVER command 1-10 and throw out those you've read. This is what DefragGapSize is for. The default value of 20 says that unless there's a run of more than 20 consecutive read articles, go ahead and get the read ones and throw them out later. In the above example, if DefragGapSize=2, then Xnews will load 1-2, 6-10. Note that it doesn't jump over the first gap because there's a run of 3 read articles.

Basically, this "defragmented XOVER" feature wastes a bit of bandwidth (in term of net traffic) in hope of gaining some speed (although note that issuing several separate commands also wastes some bandwidth since you have to pass commands and responses back and forth). If you're on a slow connection or if your server limits your total download byte count, you want to set this value pretty low or disable the behavior altogether by setting DefragGapSize to zero. OTOH, if you're on a broadband connection and you're not concerned about byte count, you can set it to something higher, like 30. Don't set it too high because then you'll waste time downloading a lot of unnecessary headers. Experiment a bit to find the optimal value for you.

Btw, there's another value that controls how this feature works, but it's set internally and I'm not going to bother you with it (i.e., I don't want to explain it). This is way too hacker-y already.

+ For those who worry about such things, you can now press Ctrl+Del to clear out all items in combo boxes.
+ Whenever you switch to a queue folder, it automatically a) re-threads if you've added new headers; and B) shows status of current batch operation (if any).
+ New Queue folder command: acaFindMissingPartsEx (find missing parts, extended). Same as acaFindMissingParts but combines similar XPAT queries. It's useful for filling in a lot of missing parts and files in a series.
+ New Xnews.ini [Misc] setting: AutoSaveInterval: automatically save the newsrc every {5..2000} minutes. Set to zero if you want to disable autosave (this is the default).

Example: select these 3 files (mutiplepart threads)

foo file 01 of 12 [xx/yy]
foo file 03 of 12 [xx/yy]
foo file 11 of 12 [xx/yy]

If you do an acaFindMissingParts, it'll do 3 separate searches:

foo file 01 of 12 [*/yy]
foo file 03 of 12 [*/yy]
foo file 11 of 12 [*/yy]

This will fill in the missing parts for those 3 files. But if you do an acaFindMissingPartsEx, then it'll search for

foo file ?? of 12 [*/yy]

See how that works?


a) this method may return more articles than you intended.
B) I no longer remove duplicates resulting from the acaFindMissingParts(Ex) commands, unless it's from the same server. Hint: you can do a delete duplicates afterward.
c) you can use acaFindMissingPartsEx to pull the same headers from a different server, regardless of whether or not there are missing parts.
d) with either the Find Missing Parts or Find Missing Parts Extended command, you'll be allowed to pick which server(s) you want to search in.

+ Added thread tree drawing. By default, I draw the thread tree when you have drawgrids on and use the grid color for the thread tree. You can override this by setting Xnews.ini [Display] DrawTree to 0 or 1 and TreeColor=$bbggrr (similar to html hexadecimal color code, only with a $ instead of # and red and blue switched).

o If the last line of an encoded text file does not end with a CRLF, it isn't shown (it's decoded correctly, but not displayed).
o Fixed a.v. when disconnected from server and AltServs is blank.
o Suppress winsock error messages when socket is not in use.
o Asynchronous (non blocking) DNS lookup went away; now it's back.
o Followup to your own post gets high score even when you have
the poster killed in score file.
o In the compose window, "Insert Text File" (from the popup menu) sometimes puts in garbage.

x I changed the binaries filter commands. "Hide incomplete binaries" leaves complete binaries, single part binaries, and non binaries. "Show multipart binaries" hides single part binaries and non binaries. "Show complete multipart binaries" hides everything except complete multiparts.
x Whenever you mark something read/delete, save newsrc file is enabled.
x When you save edited messages to the sent or outbox folder, I now preserve soft line breaks so if you edit it again paragraphs will not be broken.
x Opening articles window creates less objectionable flashing (to me anyway).
x In the article viewer, if you double click on something with no period in it (a pretty safe bet that it's not a link), you will no longer get the edit url prompt. (A period at the end doesn't count.)
x In the edit window, I put as a reminder a big red dot on the tabs of the header and attachment pages if they contain something.
x Updated the links to the Archive formerly known as Deja formerly known as Dejanews.
x I often put stuff in queue folders and forget about them, so now on the Folders menu, I put a little dot next to non-empty queue folders.
x Xnews always saves to a standard newsrc file now, so the export standard newsrc command is obsolete.
x SortOn now works for Sent and Outbox.
x You can use %r (crlf) in *Attrib.
x Clicking on the same button in the mini taskbar now switches you back to the previously active window. This lets you switch between two windows by repeatedly clicking on the same button.
x I now draw the listviews' grid lines myself instead of relying on Windows. This reduces flicker and also lets you pick the color for the grid lines (see setup).

x In Xnews.ini, set


if you /don't/ want to be prompted to search Deja (now Google) for a missing article. (Note, there should be /nothing/ following the = sign)


o Access violation when decoding an expired article when it is the last in the queue.
o Editor client area not resizing when needed.
o Maximum connections per server incorrectly restricted to MaxConnPerServer-1.

+ New Xnews.ini [Compose] setting: GenerateDateHeader, default=0. I put this in because some people have complained that their news servers set the time zone wrong. Of course this may or may not solve the problem because a) the server is free to ignore the date header from the client anyway; B) the user has the wrong time zone himself; or c) Xnews is buggy or can't get the correct time zone. Come to think of it, why did I even bother?

x I now disallow changing the view to raw/full header/etc. while article is loading since this seems to cause problems.
x If you set TZ in Xnews.ini [Misc], I will use that and not try to get the time zone offset from Windows. (Before, I tried getting it from Windows; failing that, I'd read from Xnews.ini.) Search the manual for TZ to see how this value should be set.
x In mbx files, I now use standard English date for the article separators.

4.01.01 aka M3:

It's a new year tradition -- new version with a funky designation.

o Fixed invalid pointer op bug and a bunch of others.


o Fixed stuff I broke in 12.19.

I'm outta here. Don't bother me til next year :)


I still haven't nailed down the now legendary "invalid pointer operation on close" bug. What a pain. <delphi>I wrapped the suspect code (main form's FormDestroy) with try except end so hopefully it won't pop up as often. Maybe.</delphi> Meanwhile, I guess the thing to do is to never shut down Xnews :)

o On a positive note, found a few minor resource/memory leaks via MemProof.
o Fixed hanging while threading articles with circular reference.
o Fixed article viewer not scrolling up/down when you extend selection with your mouse.

+ New command acaFindMissingParts -- find headers for missing binaries (in queue folders only). It's on the right click menu. Works on selected (not queued) threads. This command doesn't know about Altservs, so if you want to find the missing parts using a server different from the original one, you must select an override server. The command uses XPAT so it's sloooowwwwwww and is only good for filling a few missing parts.

x Rewrote UU decoder to make it generally less vulnerable to CUT HEREs, blank lines, banner ads, bad data, and other atrocities.
x In the article viewer, when you double click on something that doesn't begin with (https?|nntp|news|mailto|ftp): or (www\.|ftp\.) it prompts before launching so you don't accidentally execute "format c:"
x In the article viewer, when you right click on something, the caret automatically moves there (so you don't have to left click first).
x I no longer put quotes around file names with spaces in the 'begin 644 filename' line since having the quotes probably breaks more newsreaders than not.
x I no longer constrain the width of the editor window to the width of the editor control (that was dumb).
x In groups.ini, you can now use [~group-expression] to indicate "groups that do NOT match expression".
x If I'm unable to resume decoding a file, I now put it in the back of the queue and try the whole file again later. (That "Unable to resume but I'm too lazy to tell you why" is only funny the first time you see it).
x In editor window, press F9 to jump to the message editor.


o Bad things happen when you try to Fetch an article you've previously read.
o Forward by mail doesn't work when article has FollowUp-To: poster.

+ Added documentation for MailAttrib, NewsAttrib, ForwAttrib. Better late than never.
+ New groups window command: Paste from Clipboard -- lets you paste groups from clipboard. If pasting in Subscribed tabs, the groups are inserted at the cursor highlight; otherwise, they're added to the end of the list. Hint: you can use Copy/Paste to copy groups from one groups window to another or to move multiple subscribed groups around.
+ New articles window command: acaCopyHeaders -- copies selected headers to the clipboard. Search manual for CopyHeadersTemplate for more info. Note: if selected thread is not expanded, then only the thread's header is copied (as it appears on screen). If thread is expanded, then the selected children are copied, or if no child is selected, then all are copied. Confused?
+ New Xnews.ini [Misc] setting: AltServers, a | separated list of alternate servers to try when a given article cannot be found on the current server for whatever reason. The server names should be the same as they appear on the Server menu. You can override this setting on a per group basis in groups.ini.
+ Added QUIT command to (normally) close a connection. This means nothing to you but makes the server happy.



x For the privacy conscious, the attribution line now uses the name and email from the From: header, not the Reply-To header.


o Massive access violations when transferring MIME binaries to an archive folder.
o "Cancel message" doesn't work when invoked from the viewer (cancelling a single message).
o If you open 2 servers, read some groups, then close one server, the "Save newsrc" command is disabled even though changes to the newsrc of the second server haven't been changed.

+ "Delete duplicates" now works in folders.


o The fix for decoding bug in 03.08.16 introduced a couple of new decoding bugs. Yuck. Sorry, folks. I hope this is the last update for a week at least.


o Fixed corrupted Custom headers (how long has that bug been there?)

+ New Xnews.ini [Misc] setting: SigDashRegex. Treat line matching this regex as the sig delimiter. Default is ^\-\-\s$ (two dashes and a space, exactly). Suggestion: you can make it a bit more forgiving with ^\-\-\s?$ since most people just don't seem to know about the trailing space thingy. Or you can get fancy with stuff like ^\-\-\s?$|^([\-\*])\1{2,} (two dashes and optional space or dash/hyphen repeated 2 or more times). Note: regardless, Xnews always uses the correct sigdash '-- '.

x I changed the way acvSkipQuote works to make it smarter (dumber?). It basically lets me read news by just pressing acvSkipQuote all the time (i have it mapped to the big \ key above the Return key. YMMV.


o Fixed another decoding problem caused by encoders that insert extraneous data _at the beginning_ of multi-part uuencoded files.

x You can now manually add multiple groups with a comma separated list, e.g., alt.a,alt.b,alt.c


o A few weeks ago, someone in n.s.r. pointed out that decoding from an archive folder (or storage) is really slow. I tried it today and it IS ridiculously slow. Fixed. Should zip right through now. Worth a release? You be the judge.


o Oops, broke header+body storage in 03.07.28


Forgive me, users, for I've dawdled. It's been 4- months since my last update.

o Fixed "hey how come it stopped?" decoding problem caused by the server dropping the connection w/o triggering a winsock error.
o Fixed garbage display on progress meter.
o Fixed strange decoding bug: if you're on part ith and it can't connect to the server for one reason or another, it goes back and redoes part (i-1)th!
Similarly, though it can resume if disconnected in the middle of reading a message, it can't resume if it fails to connect to the server in the first place.
o Fixed "storage accidentally turned on after system crash, causing much consternation and confusion" bug.
o If you enter a SMTPHost for a server profile, then delete the SMTPHost later, it tries to use '' (blank) as the SMTPHost rather than the default SMTPHost.

+ New Xnews.ini [Display] setting MaxThreadDepth: maximum thread depth to indent (default 20).
+ New Xnews.ini [Misc] setting ThreadScoreOpt: determines how threads are scored. 0=highest score in thread; 1=highest score in thread, disregarding 0-scored articles; 2=sum of all scores in thread. Default is 0.
+ New Xnews.ini [Misc] setting MaxConnPerServer: maximum number of simultaneous connections allowed to one server, 1..4, default is 4. Should really be adjustable on a per-server basis, but I'm lazy.
+ New command: acvFilterBox (switch to filter box). It's of course pretty useless unless you assign a key to it.
+ In split screen mode, the Num 4 and 6 keys open prev / next article.
+ When the bottom right panel says "Reconnecting in X seconds", click on it if you want to skip the delay.

x It now autoresumes in more situations. This may cause MORE problems. We'll see.
x XferTimeOut now in effect during GROUP command.
x Once you've retrieved headers, if you choose Refresh Headers Special and pull the sliders to the left, it no longer tries to reload killed headers. This should speed things up since reloading killed headers tends to be slow (fragmented XOVER). If you DO want it to reload killed headers, click the Clear button next to the Killed graph.
x You can now transfer to queue even with a batch op in progress. Note: selected items will be transferred, NOT queued items.
x I changed the decode resume function so it writes out the needed data only when there's an error (rather than once for each part, which for some reason, caused a noticeable slowdown on my system). Hopefully, I didn't break anything.

Note: Any Delphi programmer out there who's familiar with character encoding table / foreign keyboard issues and wants to help me make Xnews a bit friendlier to non-English posters, please contact me -- xnews @


o Fixed UUdecode bug where extraneous data (e.g., signature, ads) are treated as part of the UU stream.
o Fixed crashing on "No host to route" error.
o Fixed the "child window's close button grayed out when maximized" bug, thanks to Wayne Menzie.

+ New Xnews.ini [Compose] setting: FQDN, which dictates what goes on the right hand side of msg-id Xnews generates and should be one of the following:
%rip (IP of remote computer, i.e., the news server. This is the default)
%rhost (name of above)
%lip (IP of local computer, i.e., you, the client)
%lhost (name of above)
or your own FQDN which you have permission to use.

x More curios and obscurities you didn't ask to know: given two articles A and B, the "Delete duplicates" command uses the following criteria:
1) Keep both A and B if they've both been queued, otherwise
2) Keep A if it's been queued or fetched (body is stored on disk).
3) Keep A if it's from the "Override" server.
4) Keep A if it's from a server that's higher on the list in the "Server" menu. (Sorry, there's no way to rearrange the menu except by editing servers.ini)
5) Finally, keep A if it was added to the folder more recently, provided B isn't the "Override" server.
6) otherwise, keep B.


o Previous instance does not restore from minimized state when you run Xnews.exe without /m switch.
o SmartDecode fails to resume if it's interrupted twice at the same part.
o Copy Transfer between archive folders always halts after the first item in the queue.
o "more..." on the Transfer menu (when there are too many items) always disabled.
o If you select "Purge folder" from the menu or via keyboard shortcut, it seems to do nothing.

+ Remove duplicates enabled in archive folders. (Note: I do not automatically compact folders after duplicate removal.)
+ New Xnews.ini [Misc] settings: XferTimeOut (integer, default 30) during a download, disconnect and reconnect to server after this many seconds have elapsed with no incoming data.

x I made From: header parser a little more robust to handle people putting weird things into their email (e.g., spaces, parentheses) for anti-spam purpose.


o Fixed erroneous "Cannot resume file" message when last part in a multipart binary contains no encoded data.
o After transferring articles in queue folders, "Compact Folder" is disabled even though articles have been deleted.
o Fixed bad last byte Uudecode bug introduced in Y2K-SE version (possibly earlier).

+ You can now batch cancel messages. Queue articles as usual then select Article | Cancel Message. Note: 1) I don't verify that you posted the messages until just before I actually try to cancel them; 2) I now check all your identities so even if you switch indentity when posting, you can still cancel your message.
+ New Xnews.ini [Compose] setting: SetReplyToInPost (boolean), default 0. Whether you want Xnews to automatically add a Reply-To header with your real (private) email address when posting to newsgroups. The idea is that spammers apparently only look at the XOVER data, which do not contain the Reply-To header, so it's safe to post your real email in Reply-To. This way, you can spam proof with a fake From: header but still allow people to email you without the hassle of having to correct your email.
+ New Xnews.ini [Display] setting: GaugeUpdateDelay (integer) default 500. Number of milliseconds that must elapse before the progress gauge is updated. Set this value higher if you think the gauge display is slowing down your download.


o Fixed horrible attachment bug: if you have a message w/ an attachment in the outbox, followed by messages w/o attachments, the latter messages are sent WITH the attachment in the first message. Bad bad newsreader.
o Fixed folder searching broken in Y2K-SE.
o Fixed bad decoding when encountering extraneous data at end of an article in a multipart set
o Fixed bad handling of 2 digit year date in date header (I, um, left that in to see if anybody is paying attention. Yeah, that's right...)
o When you clone a server, the newsrc field isn't set correctly, leading to "Unable to save file..." error.
o Fixed a.v. if you have windows opened in a certain order and close Xnews via right click on its icon in taskbar
o Text in some control not readable under some (funky) Windows color scheme.

+ Automatically add "Posted-and-Mailed: (yes|no)" header to email replies.

x Okay, my algorithm to guess whether something is a message-id or email didn't work too well. Now, I just assume anything matching <[^>]+\@[^>]+> is a message-id. If you know otherwise, place the caret on the text, right click, and select "mailto:".


+ There's a new type of folder called Queue folders. Unlike the regular (archive) folder, a queue folder stores only the headers when you transfer articles into it. Then when you read or decode the articles, Xnews gets the articles from the server, just as if you're in a newsgroup.

What can you do with such an animal? You can use it as a global queue. You can use it to collect multipart binaries from different servers. Because you can switch what server you want to pull articles from in queue folders, you can pull down headers from one server then retrieve from a different server. If you're one of the lucky dogs with a broadband connection and your server is throttling your speed, you can split your download into two separate queue folders and download simultaneously. Read the manual's section on folders for more info.

+ Smart decoding: if a multi-part decode is interrupted, the program can now resume from the last part rather than doing the whole file over. Right now, what some people do is transfer into a folder then decode from there. But that's a pain and takes up disk space (plus you occasionally run into the 2GB limit). Hopefully, this is better. See manual's Q&A "How do I decode binaries" for more info.
+ In folders, server names and group names are now split into separate, independently sortable columns.
+ When you double click on a URL, I now guess whether something is a message-id or an email. Basically, if the part to the left of the @ has 5+ numbers, it's considered a message-id. Crude, but usually effective.
+ You can now edit a URL before passing it to Windows: right click on a URL then select Edit URL... Hint: if a URL is broken by line wraps, select it with mouse or keyboard then right click and choose Edit URL... I suppose I should join wrapped URLs automatically, but as usual, laziness prevails.

o The sig file field in Setup | Servers gets truncated whenever it's changed.
o Plonk file kills are overridden by ReplyNotify.
o Expire value in Storage Options dialog occasionally is not saved.

x Compensate for articles that say they're MIME but aren't.
x Add delay to popup hints in the article listing to make them a bit less annoying.
x Queuing with the mouse now either queues or dequeues in a single move rather than toggling. Hopefully, this makes it a bit easier. It's still rather flaky, e.g., if you move the mouse too fast, it'll miss some lines.
x Autorewrap now defaults to true.


o Fix broken date in articles listing (European countries).
o If a multipart article's subject contains [ ] or ( ) _after_ the (xx/yy) part designation, the program occasionally gets confused and truncates the subject.
o "Invalid pointer" error after reading an article with a bogus "begin 644 <filename>" line
o In the Compose window, if you click the ... button to edit the Newsgroups: field and select all but one group, nothing changes.

+ Add /m to command line if you wish to allow multiple instances of the program to run concurrently.
+ New Xnews.ini [Misc] settings: StorageOpt (0=use default; 1=save nothing; 2=save headers; 3=save headers and articles; default is 0). StorageExp (purge after this many days; 0=purge when expired from server; default is 0). These can be set via setup and overridden on per group basis in groups.ini. Read section on Storage in manual for details.
+ New Xnews.ini [Misc] settings: LaunchAfterDecode (default 0); determines whether "Launch file" checkbox is checked by default.
+ You can now edit the range for XPAT search.

x I disabled autobrowse because all it does is confuse people. (However, it's still listed in keyboard mapping dialog to torment the nitpickers, and you know who you are.)


o Had to put out a quick fix for bad Message-ID (in European systems) to avoid full scale riot.

+ New "presets" in "Add to score file" dialog.

x setup.bat is no longer included because it's no longer needed.


o OnOpen in Xnews.ini doesn't do anything. Fixed.
o Shortcut key for "List Attachments" doesn't work.
o Rot13 the To: edit box in Compose window gives a strange error message.
o The title panel displays '&' as a shortcut underline.
o Number of lines shows up as zero when article does not contain the Lines header.
o Incorrect MIME header "Content-Type: message/partial:" should be "message/partial;"
o Fixed Fetch to storage, broken last version.

+ New Xnews.ini [Display] settings: Panel1Width/Panel2Width: width in pixels of the display panels at the bottom of an articles window. Change this to make them smaller/bigger so you can see more/less of the progress bar.
+ New Xnews.ini [Compose] setting: FollowupPrompt = Prompt to set followup when posting to more than this many groups.
+ New Xnews.ini [Misc] setting: AutoResumeDelay (in seconds). Does what you think.

x I now prompt to set followup up front.
x Refreshing headers while in a folder no longer automatically removes all filters.
x If you add a ,! (that's a comma, followed by exclamation point) to OnLoaded, it will be executed only once (as opposed to after every time you do a refresh headers).

+ New Xnews.ini [Misc] settings: OnOpen/OnLoaded. List of comma separated commands to execute when articles window is first opened and after headers are loaded, respectively. (The main difference is OnOpen executes only once, whereas OnLoaded executes after each time you refresh headers.)
Example: if you don't like threading, set OnOpen=acvThreaded. This will toggle off threading.
What can I say? It's the poor man's macro capabilities. You can override both in groups.ini.
+ New Xnews.ini [Misc] settings: OnOpen/OnLoaded. List of comma separaboth in groups.ini.

+ New Xnews.ini [Misc] settings: DejaPage and DejaSearch. See manual for details.
+ New Xnews.ini [Misc] setting: HardKill={0,1} self-explanatory.
+ In viewer, the caret now turns into a hand cursor when you move the mouse over something that appears to be a URL (You still need to double click to launch.)
+ Added "Launch file after saving" checkbox to "Select directory..." dialog. Note: even if you have this set, it will still not automatically launch *.exe *.bat and *.com so it's sort of safe.

o Fixed cosmetic problem with tool buttons being slightly cropped at the bottom on some display.
o Fixed weirdness with attachment saving.
o Fixed weirdness with Keep Copy button thinking it's the Wrap button.
o Open the compose window (do a post or followup). Switch back to main window and open Folders window. Switch back to compose window. Now Ins and Del keys are trapped by Folders window.

x Changed Xnews icon for no particular reason.
x Changed the Winamp-look-alike icon to avoid © violation.


o Somehow managed to break right click menu in the editor last time. Fixed.
o Given group where first message#=last message#, it erroneously reloads the last message even though you caught up last time.
o If you double click a message-id like <> it launches your browswer with instead of loading the message-id.

+ if you have a ton of folders (>30 or so), they won't all fit on the menu. I added a "more..." item to the Folder/Transfer menu. Selecting "more..." will pop up a window with complete list of folders.

x Improved folder compacting speed.
x Improved crosspost kill of large groups (>10000 articles).


+ New filters: "Show threads with (unread/new articles/>0 score)". As usual, you can assign keyboard shortcuts for them.
+ If you try to retrieve a message-id that doesn't exist on the server, you're now given a chance to search for it on Dejanews, or as it calls itself nowadays.

x I no longer expand binary threads when you single click on them. Press return or double click instead.


o (This bug affects users in particular.) If the list of groups contains groups starting with a period, the list retrieval stops.
o If you read an article, archive it, move to another article, then go back to the first article, you get a "hdr file corrupted" error.


+ You can now Esc to close editor window. Press Shift+Esc to close and discard any changes.
+ Added (fixed) shortcut keys for Send and Save in editor window.
+ Added key to toggle full screen edit in editor window.
+ Added command "Skip down and out" in articles window. This jumps to next unread article having a lower depth than the current article. This is useful for skipping a subthread.
+ Added "Open offline" command to right click menu in groups window. This opens the group w/o connecting to the server. Works only if you have storage on, of course. But remember, folks: Xnews is still NOT an offline reader. If you need an offliner reader, use Agent, etc.
+ Automatically removes the old sig and adds the appropriate one when you change identity on the fly. It does this by looking for the sig separator '-- ' so if you mess around with that it's not guaranteed to work.

x The [Metrics] section in Xnews.ini can get too long, so I no longer save window placement for individual folder windows.


o Reply-To custom header gets dropped. How did we miss that?

+ New Paste Indented command in editor's right click menu.
+ New Xnews.ini [Compose] setting: PasteIndent; number of spaces to indent with the Paste Indented command; default is 8.


Note on newsrc compatibility: as some of you have found out, Xnews' newsrc format gives some newsreaders indigestion. Therefore, I added a new command Special|Export Standard NewsRC. This will save all open newsrcs using standard format. The files will have the extension '.nrc'. If you want it to always use a standard newsrc so you don't have to bother with Exporting, add ForceStandardNewsRC=1 to Xnews.ini under [Misc]. Caveat: this will break the Keep feature and slow down saving a little (or a lot).

Alert: I changed the mailbox headers file format. When you open a folder, the header file will be automatically rebuilt. No harm will come to your folders (I hope). However, if you've been using the storage options, all your newsgroup cache will be invalidated and emptied. Therefore, if you have any special attachment to your newsgroup cache, either delay upgrading or install in a separate directory.

o Fixed bug with out of sync folders. Occasionally, if you're transferring articles into a folder which is currently opened, make some changes to the folder (e.g., delete some articles), you may lose the newly transferred articles when you close the folder.
o If you make a change in Setup|Compose, it clears out the [Compose] section in Xnews.ini and you lose certain settings, such as WarnExcessiveQuote.

+ Using an IP address instead of a host name should work now
+ I decided to put the Scroll Lock key to work. When Scroll Lock is ON, pressing "Next/Prev Read/Unread/etc" won't open that article but simply highlight it (you'll have to press Return if you actually want to read it). Small tradeoff: you can no longer assign Scroll Lock to some function (but you probably didn't even know you could do that anyway, right? :)
+ New command acaScanScore. Just try it. (Note to RM: you owe me one.)
+ New command Article|Fetch to storage. Basically, this lets you pre-load queued articles into storage (i.e., cache). (I like to put in these pseudo offline features to torture people who need true offline capabilities :-)
+ New filter: show only cached articles (those that can be retrieved from the cache and therefore do not have to be downloaded from the news server).
+ New Xnews.ini [Display] setting Use24hrClock={0,1} whether to use a 24 hr clock instead of am/pm, default is 0.
+ If you're satisfied with the date format except for the am/pm thing, then just use the setting above. Otherwise ... new Xnews.ini [Display] settings: DateFmtxxxxxx. You can now have complete control over all the date formats. Read the Xnews.ini section in the manual for details.
+ New attribution switch: %z = show full date/time in usenet format, using GMT time zone.

x Improved error handling w.r.t. transferring/saving. If you're transferring/saving a multipart file and get disconnected, it won't try to transfer/save the already done parts again (if you're decoding, then it WILL have to restart from the first part). If saving, the interrupted part will be renamed with an __error suffix.
x Improved searching: 1) search in both subject and author; 2) you can search in the article body; just put the cursor in the viewer then press F2; 3) it's a regular expression search now, not just a plain string matching. In addition, the subject is always stripped of '^re:\s*' if present, so if you search for '^xnews', it will match 'Xnews somthing' as well as 'Re: Xnews something'.
x Separate "Next high score (>=9999)" and "Next >0 score" keyboard shortcuts.
x When reading an article (i.e., cursor is in viewer), only "mark read" now applies to whole thread. Mark del/undel/keep/unkeep/unread applies to current article only.
x (You may not want to read this.) Improved the way crossposts are marked to speed up loading headers. Basically, when you read groups that have a lot of crossposted articles between them and you do a "Catchup and kill Xpost", the read string tends to become fragmented. Say you have a group which you caught up last time so the read string is 1-1000. You read another group with 5 articles crossposted to the first. Now your read string becomes: 1-1000,1003,1005,1010,1011,1014. So when you open the group, Xnews has to download headers for 1001-1002,1004,1006-1009,1012-1013,1015-(last). That's 5 separate queries going back and forth between the newsreader and server. It's usually faster to just ask for 1001-(last), download the whole thing in one chunk, and throw out the unwanted headers along the way. This is exactly what I do now. I separate the crossposted numbers from the read numbers with a dummy 0. In the above example, the resulting string becomes 1-1000,0,1003,1005,1010,1011,1014. When you open the group, I download headers for 1001-(last) and throw out the ones that were crossposted. So what does this mean to you? Well, probably nothing. Depending on your newsreading habit, you may or may not notice any improvement.
x More esoterica: after XOVER hi-lo, any missing article in {a,b} inclusive is assumed to have been removed from the server and will never show up; consequently, it's marked read by Xnews.


o Custom headers "mime-version", "content-type", "content-transfer-encoding" are ignored when they shouldn't be. Note: you still cannot override these headers when you're posting attachments.
o Custom headers get messed up if there's an error during posting and you resume posting.

x ReplyNotify ignored when reloading old (read) headers.


o "Compact folder" incorrectly greyed out on occasions.

+ New folders window that lists all folders. Invoke with Window|Folders (shortcut key assignable). You can manage your folders in this window (it obsoletes Setup|Folders).
+ New Xnews.ini [Misc] setting: CompactPercent {0..100} percent of "wasted space" taken up by deleted messages in a folder allowed before it is automatically compacted on closing. Default is 30.
+ New shortcut key for "edit subject".
+ MailAttrib, NewsAttrib, and ForwAttrib are now customizable on per group basis (groups.ini). Sorry, I'm too lazy to do it on server or identity level also. (I assume it works; haven't tested it.)
+ Mailbox files saved under Unix with lf instead of crlf are now correctly handled.


o Fixed weirdness with keyboard shortcuts & the filter box.
o Fixed dropped connection with certain smtp server.
o Fixed Setup|Compose|"Show file count" not saved.

+ Xnews is now 100% GNKSA compliant :)
+ New Setup|Display option: Start new thread when subject changes. Per request. Caveat: since the program can't easily judge whether the subject has really changed (as opposed to minor spelling changes or space trimming, etc), it doesn't even try to except in the most perfunctory way (case-insensitive string comparison). Consequently, spurious subject changes will lead to separate threads. By the way, if you have this option on, it'll be turned off temporarily when you issue a reconstruct thread command. (Think about it, you'll see why this is a good thing.)
+ New Setup|Compose option: Automatically rewrap quoted text (on by default). I'm too lazy to hit reformat, so this does it for me. If you have this turned on and don't want quoted text rewrapped for some reason, immediately hit Undo right after hitting followup or reply by mail.
+ New Xnews.ini [Misc] setting: ExpiredScoreOpt 0=remove expire scores automatically; 1=notify you of expired scores. Default is 0.
+ New Xnews.ini [Misc] setting: ReplyNotify={-1,0,1,2,3,...}. You already know that Xnews can flag followups of your posts. This setting lets you have more control over how deep into the thread Xnews should continue to flag followups. 0=disable (don't flag at all); -1=flag all followups; 1=flag immediate followups; 2=flag immediate followups, plus followups to those; etc. Default is 4. The idea is that discussion tends to diverge and you probably aren't interested after a while.


o fixed bugs with get parent.
o fixed broken

#508 WoodElf


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Escrito 17 September 2002 - 10:37 PM

algun dia aprendere a escribir
Tendrá todo el dinero del mundo, pero hay algo que jamás podrá comprar.... un dinosaurio! - Homero Jay Simpson
Un Mundo Extraño (Elfo B-Log) - My Audioscrobbler - My Flickr- MyAnimelist

#509 Shaka



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Escrito 17 September 2002 - 10:37 PM

Al final el poema mio no ha salido
lo vuelvo a poner a ver si alguien lo puede leer


Doy vueltas sin sentido. La realidad es un jarro de agua fría que termina
por despertarte, aunque en mi caso preferiría un jarro de agua caliente.
Dos mujeres, una oculta, otra que aparece entre sabanas. Sabanas de lino,
que rozan mi piel entre cosquillas y murmullos.
Pero eso sólo es una parte del puzzle. Una mujer vaga por mi mente entre
sonrisas y llantos, susurrándome palabras de amor. La otra mujer me olvida
entre la oscuridad de mis miedos. Una mujer mantiene mi corazón latiendo a
millones de años-luz enriqueciendo mi alma. Y la otra me relega a mi Hades
particular donde la única luz es una esperanza cuarteada por la
desesperación. Pero entonces una variable inesperada entró en la ecuación y
una mujer murió y la otra me recogió en su seno. Y la teoría dejó de tener
práctica durante unos días. Pero mi esperanza renace, porque siempre existe
otro camino y otros sentimientos.

Dedicado a mi princesa Andromeda querida



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Escrito 17 September 2002 - 10:38 PM

me parece ke tiene pa rato pa ke he che fuego este foro

#511 Sunburn


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Escrito 17 September 2002 - 10:38 PM

Voy a petar el foro
Ni siquiera pienso leer

#512 Deadsunrise



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Escrito 17 September 2002 - 10:38 PM

sunburn cambia coño, un poco de imaginacion

#513 Aioria


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Escrito 17 September 2002 - 10:38 PM

Precious Jerusalem


Under the Ice

Sadly Sings Destiny

The Maiden and the Mistrel Night

Wait for an Answer

The Soul Forged

Age of False Innocence

Punishment Divine

And then there was Silence

Harvest of Sorrow (bonus track)

#514 walsen


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Escrito 17 September 2002 - 10:38 PM

portada > televisión > programación

Rejilla de programación Ayer Hoy Mañana 19 de septiembre de 2002 20 de septiembre de 2002 21 de septiembre de 2002 22 de septiembre de 2002 23 de septiembre de 2002

Dial 3 en Canal Satélite Digital

Hora Género Título
07:00 INFORMATIVO Noticias CNN+
10:30 ACTUALIDAD Lo + Plus
11:20 DRAMA Cine: Las mil maravillas del universo
12:44 COMEDIA Cine: Demasiado profundo
14:30 INFORMATIVO Noticias CNN+
14:50 INFORMATIVO Las noticias del guiñol
15:00 DRAMA Cine: La elección de un padre
16:30 ACTUALIDAD + TE VALE: Emisión 70
16:55 NATURALEZA Documental naturaleza: África salvaje: Costas
17:50 TERROR Cine: American Psycho
19:30 COMEDIA Cine: El pez gordo
21:00 ACTUALIDAD Reportajes C+: Planeta Zara
21:58 DRAMA Cine: El ritmo del éxito
23:51 COMEDIA Cine: La ley de Herodes
01:55 DRAMA Cine: La cena
03:39 NATURALEZA Documental naturaleza: Amazonas
04:28 ACTUALIDAD Zap... Zap... Zapin: Emisión 173
04:52 ACTUALIDAD + TE VALE: Emisión 70
05:18 DEPORTE Más deporte
06:02 FICCIÓN Piezas: El perro
06:10 ACTUALIDAD Lo + Plus
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#515 Akira88



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Escrito 17 September 2002 - 10:38 PM

todas sus ropas, vestimentas, sortijas y joyas para de ellas hacer según su placer y voluntad;
Y también ha prelegado y prelega dicho maestro Miguel Nostradamus testador todos y cada uno de sus libros que tiene a aquel de sus hijos que aprovechará más el estudio y que haya “aspirado más el humo de la lámpara”, los cuales libros junto con las cartas que se encontrarán en la casa del citado testador dicho testador no ha querido de ninguna manera sean inventarios ni descritos sino que sean amarrados en paquetes y canastas hasta que aquel a quien estén destinados llegue a la edad de recibirlos y puestos en una habitación de la casa del citado testador;
Y también a prelegado y prelega dicho testador a César de Nostradamus su hijo legítimo y natural y de la citada señora Ponsarde su mujer en común su casa donde vive actualmente; igualmente ha prelegado y prelega dicho testador la copa que tiene el citado testador de plata sobredorada e igualmente las grandes sillas de madera y de hierro que se encuentran en la dicha casa, quedando de todas maneras el legado hecho a la citada Ana Ponsarde su mujer en su fuerza y virtud entretanto que ella viva viuda y en el nombre del dicho testador; y dicha casa quedará como bien común indiviso en lo que respecta al uso entre los dichos César, Carlos y Andrés sus hermanos hasta que todos los dichos hermanos hijos del dicho testador lleguen a la edad de veinticinco años, después de este tiempo la dicha casa será enteramente del dicho César para que haga de ella según su placer y voluntad; quedando siempre de todas maneras el legado hecho a la dicha Ponsarde su madre en lo que respecta a dicha casa en su fuerza y virtud;
Y de la misma manera dicho testador ha prelegado y prelega a dicho Carlos de Nostradamus su hijo legítimo y natural y de dicha señora Ana Ponsarde su mujer en común la suma de 100 escudos oro pistolas una vez solamente, los cuales cien escudos dicho Carlos podrá tomar sobre toda la herencia antes de partir cuando llegue a la edad de veinticinco años e igualmente he prelegado y prelega dicho testador a dicho Andrés de Nostradamus su hijo legítimo y natural y de dicha señora Ana Ponsarde en común la suma de cien escudos de oro pistolas una vez solamente, los cuales cien escudos dicho Andrés podrá tomar y levantar sobre toda la herencia antes de partir cuando sea como queda dicho de la edad de veinticinco años.
Y porque la institución de heredero es el principio y fundamento de cada testamento sin la cual todo testamento se ha convertido y hecho nulo y sin valor; por esto, aquel citado maestro Miguel de Nostradamus testador de buen grado, pura y franca voluntad, en todo y cada uno de sus otros bienes muebles inmuebles presentes y futuros derechos, nombres cuentas y acciones deuda cualesquiera que sean, donde ellas sean nombradas, situadas o asentadas y sobre cualquier especie, nombre o cualidad que sean, ha hecho, creado, ordenado y establecido, y por estas presentes hace, crea y ordena y establece y ha nombrado y nombra de su propia boca por sus nombres y apellidos sus herederos universales y particulares: a saber, los dichos César, Carlos, Andrés de Nostradamus sus hijos legítimos y naturales y de la citada señora Ana Ponsarde en común por iguales partes porciones, sustituyéndolos uno al otro si llegaran a morir en pupilaje o de otra manera sin herederos legítimos y naturales; y si dicha señora Ana Ponsarde su mujer estuviera encinta e hiciere un hijo o dos los ha hecho herederos igualmente como los otros con igual sustitución; y si ella hiciera una o dos hijas, les ha legado y deja dicho testador a aquélla y a cada una de ellas la suma de quinientos escudos pistolas con los mismos pagos y sustituciones que a las otras:
Un dia Akira vendra y nos liberara a todos
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Escrito 17 September 2002 - 10:38 PM

venga petadores ( eso suena a gay )

#517 Erbichu


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Escrito 17 September 2002 - 10:38 PM

>Tienes dos vacas. Vendes una y compras un toro. Tu rebaño se
>y la economía crece. Las vendes y te jubilas con los beneficios.
>Tienes dos vacas. Vendes una y fuerzas a la otra a producir la leche
>cuatro vacas. Te sorprendes cuando la vaca muere extenuada.
>Tienes dos vacas. Te pones en huelga porque quieres tres.
>Tienes dos vacas. Las rediseñas para que tengan la décima parte de
>tamaño y produzcan veinte veces más leche. Entonces creas una serie
>dibujos animados llamada "Vakemon" y la vendes a todo el
>Tienes dos vacas. Haces una re-ingeniería de las vacas para que
>100 años, coman una vez al mes y se ordeñen ellas mismas.
>Tienes dos vacas. Las dos están locas.
>Tienes dos vacas, pero no sabes donde están. Te vas a tomar
>Tienes dos vacas. Las cuentas y llegas a la conclusión de que tienes
>cinco vacas. Las cuentas otra vez y piensas que tienes 42. Las
>cuentas otra vez y te salen 12. Dejas de contar vacas y abres otra
>botella de vodka.
>Tienes cinco mil vacas, ninguna de las cuales te pertenece.
>Les cobras a otros por guardarlas.
>Tienes dos vacas. Las adoras.
>Tienes dos vacas. Tienes 300 personas ordeñándolas. Te enorgulleces
>no tener ningún parado, alta producción bovina y arrestas al que
>publicó las cifras.
>Tienes dos vacas. Vendes tres de ellas a tu empresa pulica
>un crédito que ha pedido tu cuñado al banco, y entonces ejecutas un
>cambio de deuda por bienes con una oferta general asociada, de forma
>que vuelves a recibir de vuelta las cuatro vacas, pero con una
>de impuestos por cinco vacas. Los derechos sobre leche de las seis
>vacas se transfieren mediante un intermediario a una compañía de las
>Islas Cayman que, en realidad, pertenece a la mayoría de los
>accionistas que venden los derechos de las siete vacas de nuevo a tu
>empresa publica. El informe anual dice que la compañía tiene ocho
>vacas, con opción a una más. Vendes una vaca para comprar un nuevo
>presidente de los Estados Unidos, lo cual
>te deja nueve vacas. No se proporciona un balance con la oferta
>pública de acciones. El publico compra tu toro.

#518 Joputa


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Escrito 17 September 2002 - 10:38 PM

pero lo emocionante empieza cuando se ponen a tocar el Fragments and Fractions
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#519 Akira88



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Escrito 17 September 2002 - 10:38 PM

Y también ha querido y quiere dicho testador que sus citados hijos e hijas no puedan colocarse en matrimonio si no es con el consentimiento y buena voluntad de dicha Ana Ponsarde su madre y de los más próximos parientes de dicho testador; y en el caso de que todos vinieran a morir sin herederos legítimos y naturales, ha sustituido y sustituye dicho testador al último de ellos las dichas señoritas Magdalena, Ana y Diana de Nostradamus sus hermanas e hijas del dicho testador;
Y porque el dicho testador ve que su herencia consiste la mayor parte en dinero contante y deudas, ha querido el dicho testador que cuando sean exigidos dichos dineros contantes y deudas sean entregados en manos de dos o tres comerciantes solventes con ganancia y provecho honesto; y también porque ha visto que sus hijos son de corta edad y quedan en pupilaje constituidos, los ha proveído de tutora y administradora testamentaria de sus personas y bienes a saber: la dicha señora Ana Ponsarde su mujer, de la que especialmente se confía siempre que se obligue a hacer buen y leal inventario; no queriendo de todas maneras que ella pueda estar obligada a vender algún mueble o utensilio de la casa de la citada herencia y esto mientras ella viva viuda y en el nombre de dicho testador, prohibiendo toda alienación de muebles de cualquier clase que sea de manera que sean guardados y después divididos a los citados niños y herederos cuando sean como está dicho de la edad de veinticinco años; la cual tutora tomará y recobrará el provecho y ganancia del citado dinero que será puesto en manos de dichos comerciantes para del dicho provecho alimentarse ella y sus dichos hijos calzarse y vestirse y proveerse de lo que sea necesario según su calidad, sin que de dichos frutos ella sea obligada a rendir alguna cuenta sino solamente proveer a sus hijos como está dicho; prohibiendo expresamente dicho testador que sus citados herederos puedan pedir parte de sus citada herencia en aquello que se conservará en dinero mientras no sean de edad de veinticinco años, y tocante a los legados hechos a sus citadas hijas se tomarán sobre los fondos de dinero que será colocado en manos de los dichos comerciantes cuando ellas vengan a ser colocadas en matrimonio según los antedichos legados; queriendo además dicho testador que ninguno de sus hermanos del dicho testador tenga ni pueda tener ningún manejo o cargo de dicha herencia; por el contrario ha dejado el total cuidado y gobierno de ella y de la persona de sus citados hijos a la antes dicha señora Ana Ponsarde su mujer;
Y a ese fin de que este su presente testamento pueda ser ejecutado en la mejor forma aun en aquello que toca y concierne las ataduras lastimeras de su alma; por esto, el dicho maestro Miguel de Nostradamus testador ha hecho y ordenado sus fiadores ejecutores testamentarios de su presente testamento como sigue: Palamides Marcq escudero señor de Chasteauneuf y señor Jacques Sufren burgués del dicho Salon; a los cuales y a cada uno de estos ha dado y da el dicho testador plenos poderes facultad y autoridad para ejecutar su presente testamento y para hacerlo tomar de sus bienes y hacer todo aquello a que verdaderos ejecutores testamentarios son autorizados y tienen costumbre de hacer;
El cual su presenta testamento ha querido y quiere el dicho maestro Miguel Nostradamus testador ser y debe ser su último testamento nuncupativo, disposición y ordenanza final de todos y cada uno de sus bienes el cual entiende hacer valer por título y no como testamento codicilo donación por causa de muerte o de cualquiera otra manera y forma que él pudiera valer, aboliendo anulando y revocando todos los otros testamentos codicilos donaciones por causa de muerte y otras últimas voluntades por él anteriormente ante notario hechos y pasados, quedando éste presente en toda su fuerza y virtud; así ha querido y requiere de mí dicho suscrito notario y testigos más adelante
Un dia Akira vendra y nos liberara a todos
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Haz click aqui y luchare contra los caballeros de la oscuridad... la batalla comienza

#520 Cabopak


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Escrito 17 September 2002 - 10:38 PM

Como dice un colega mio, si tiene agujero por mi como si es un caldero

Esta mu necesitao el pobre

y tanto... pobrecito... :P

Yo lo que necesito es una conexión más rápidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Esto es lo que tengo XD

Lo siento frozen layer me puse histerico con la noticia ni vuestras madres son putas ni nada por el estilo perdonarm no sabia k se trataba de una broma lo siento......seguir asi

#521 Sunburn


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Escrito 17 September 2002 - 10:38 PM


te han enseñado a leer?

#522 shoryu


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Escrito 17 September 2002 - 10:38 PM

Felicidades aztwe

#523 weemoose


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Escrito 17 September 2002 - 10:38 PM

Las tias ya estan todas pero no se dond ha metido al profesor super hentai q quiere hasta beber el agua d la piscina dond nadan el so guarro d el.

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#524 Sunburn


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Escrito 17 September 2002 - 10:38 PM

Voy a petar el foro
Ni siquiera pienso leer



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Escrito 17 September 2002 - 10:38 PM

petemos a muerte

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